At the end of the Hexaglot series texts, it states “Whosoever shall edit the words of this book, hath committed the worst of sins.” There are only two other times in the original text that ‘the worst of sins’ was associated with wrongdoing, it was also used regarding harming a child and killing another person.
Even though this book mentions never to edit the words in it, you can still pick up any Bible in any church these days, and find the words completely altered in each new version. The Bibles in today’s modern world have, over time, been redesigned to suit someone else’s opinions, ideas, theology, politics and to ‘sell you on the church’.
There are a few Hexaglot sections out there. This one has much of what you might need to learn the real-life lessons and truth without the extra injected opinion you find in the common Bible.
The Dead Sea Scrolls
You might also want to check out the Dead Sea Scrolls, which is considered the original, unedited and more complete version of the truth. It is the most complete and original text for Bible study that currently is known to exist.